Paylink API allows you to integrate Paylink with other systems. For example, it can be used for:
- Create and send payment links
- Export order information
- Import customer and product information
Paylink API has environments for testing and production:
- Production:
- Testing:
Only HTTPS is supported.
Development and testing should be conducted in the test environment ( Get your test credentials ยป
API credentials
Each user has an API key which is used to authorize API requests. The API key is found in Settings > API where it can also be regenerated.
HTTP header token is used to authenticate with API. All requests have to include Authorization header with Token <API-KEY> as the value.
Header | Value |
Authorization | Token <API-KEY> |
cURL example:
curl -i -X GET -H "Authorization:Token ce6988f6-6fb24b1f843ca1717a0f93f72b1cc78c" ''
Error handling
API will return HTTP response code which indicates status of the request.
2xx | Success |
4xx | Error |
5xx | System error (e.g. invalid request JSON) |
API will also return error message in the response body for most errors. For example, the following error message will be returned for missing email when creating a new order:
"errors": [
"Email is required"